Success story

A COVID-19 digital contagion tracking system for CatSalut

Type of project:

Web Development


AdmiPublic Administration



Profiles involved:

Project Management 



Frontend IT 

Marketing Automation 

Channel Execution 

Visual Design 

Maquetador email 



de usuarios en BBDD en 2020 vs. 2019


Tasa de apertura

desde 2017



desde 2017

To reinforce the COVID-19 monitoring and tracking service and stop the spread of the virus, we collaborated with CatSalut (Servei Català de Salut) in the creation of a private digital tool (accessible only after receiving an official SMS) for the identification of possible new infections that distinguished between different variables such as the level of confirmation of infection, the data required for each one of them or the measures to be followed.

In times of pandemic, public administrations need to break the physical barriers, achieve shorter reaction times and create user experiences capable of encouraging citizen collaboration.

Type of project:

Web Development


Public Administration



Profiles involved:


Project Management

Customer Strategy 

Marketing Automation 

Data & Analytics 


Customer Experience 

Visual Design 


Starting point:

In June 2020, anticipating a second wave of COVID-19 cases after the summer, CatSalut is considering the implementation of an online system capable of reinforcing the traceability of contagions by proactively involving the citizen.


The system would have a rapid notification of the positive diagnosis via SMS, so that the affected person could indicate the people with whom he/she had been in contact during the period of infection and these people, in turn, could be properly informed and initiate confinement measures, thus slowing the spread of the virus in anticipation of a possible collapse on the part of the tracking service.


In addition to reporting their situation and collecting data, the tools should also allow for associated procedures, such as a sick leave or integration with the Covid Radar App.


BeRepublic was called upon to define and build the user flows and responsive digital platforms capable of monitoring and tracking COVID-19’s close contacts, thus facilitating the work of the tracking service.

It is also required that the platforms are implemented in such a way that they can be connected to CatSalut’s corporate systems to obtain the required information.

All of this in a very tight timeframe whose urgency is marked by the spread of the virus.


Throughout the different process flows, special focus was placed on taking care of the user experience in order to maximize results.

Project phases

Three user typologies were identified that required three different user flows, taking into account the data required for each one as well as their level of involvement:

  • Suspicious User:

person who has performed a PCR and is waiting for the result, who will be invited to start notifying the persons with whom he/she has been in contact during the period of contagion in view of a hypothetical positive result.

  • Positive User:

person who has had a positive PCR result and is urged to notify his or her close contacts.

  • Close Contact User:

persons who are notified that they have been in close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 and are urged to take appropriate preventive measures.

Subsequently, we proceeded to define the user arrival process and the data collection process, taking into account at all times the best practices in terms of interactions, UX writing and design, as the results of the project would have a direct impact on healthcare professionals.


In September the positives and suspects platforms were launched, and in October the last of the platforms, which corresponded to close contacts, was launched.


The full implementation of these tracking platforms since October has substantially relieved CatSalut’s team of trackers during the second wave, allowing them to handle the increase in cases without the need for new hires.

“A very demanding project, requiring a quick start-up due to the urgency of the situation and a great deal of flexibility, since the protocols associated with COVID-19 were under continuous revision.”



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