Strategic Consulting Services

Digital Business Models & Tech Trends

Direct to Consumer, Marketplaces, Tokens & Metaverse

New technologies represent an opportunity in the development of businesses with which to differentiate and generate value. That is why we bring our clients closer to this new reality by designing business models based on the use of technologies such as Smart Contracts, Marketplaces, E-commerce, NFTs, Tokenomics and Metaverse, among others.

Reinvent or boost your business by teaming up with an innovative partner and adopting the technology trends that best meet your challenges.


We help you identify the most interesting innovation opportunities for your business and the models demanded by the digital market.

El equipo de Customer Data & Insights de BeRepublic aporta valor de desde el inicio del proceso, ayudándote a definir tarquitectura de datos / CRM y realizando análisis descriptivos multivariante, segmentación de usuarios y clustering analysis. 


Adicionalmente, creamos dashboards en diferentes herramientas de visualización de datos como Datorama-Salesforce, Power BI o Data Studio para ayudarte a comprender con claridad lo que ocurre durante las interacciones con tus clientes y sacarles el máximo provecho a los datos. 

It is about a joint effort in which we involve all the players in the organization, starting with the executive positions, with the aim of reaching a theoretical understanding that will lead to disruptive solutions to the challenges of the business.

We start by answering key questions about the potential of these technologies to define from strategy to execution of digital models capable of creating new revenue streams. This is a structured approach to identify, prioritize and implement innovation opportunities aligned with the business priorities and market dynamics in which our clients operate.

We are aware that not all companies are ready to adopt this type of models, especially within the more traditional sectors, but we encourage their awareness as a first step to adapt to market demands. 

How we do it

  • Opportunities Analysis

We start with the understanding of the model to find potential aspects in which these new technologies can contribute to the business. We try to demystify these concepts and find real applications in each specific case.

  • Business Plan & Roadmap

We study the feasibility of these opportunities (business plan and business model) to guide decision-making. We build the strategy for the adoption of new technologies and design the most suitable roadmap according to the degree of digital maturity and the level of disruption to be achieved.

  • MVP Definition and Development

We suggest and build MVP’s, and we analyze and define the target, the products and the most suitable tools to create and launch it to the market in record time and with maximum guarantees. We guide the development processes so that they respond to the designed strategy and meet the objectives of our clients.

  • Strategic partners and suppliers

We integrate alliances and partnerships with leaders in the technology ecosystem in order to carry out the necessary developments for the execution of the strategy.

  • Training

We lead workshops to help our clients in the identification of use cases, the ideation of projects and design services and the development of digital solutions based on these technologies.

  • Assessment

We evaluate digital assets, Web 3 and Metaverse strategies already built in order to determine their suitability and scalability in light of the business model and the technological and digital maturity of our clients.

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Un sistema de rastreo digital de la COVID-19

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Un gestor de comunicaciones con el ciudadano

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